Zyklon HTTP Botnet v

 Zyklon HTTP Botnet v

The zyklon is a great botnet that we can use to obtain passwords and files from an already infected computer with the server. Setting up the server is not complicated to be sent. Its creation panel is quite simple but with options that are very important to have. In version 1.3, improvements were made and Tor Support was added! (Now you can host it as a hidden service! Nothing is downloaded, and Tor is injected into the already running process.)


1 - Botkiller
2 - Keylogger
3 - Anti Bot-Kill
4 - Process persistence
5 - Process protection
6 - Browser password recovery
7 - FTP password recovery
8 - Gaming software key recovery
9 - Email password recovery
10 - Licence key recovery
11 - Connection encrypted with RSA paired with AES-256 (Keys generated dynamically)
12 - Cloud-based malware inspection
13 - Social engineering tactics to acquire admin rights in 9 languages
14 - Privilege retention after reboot
15 - Prevention of going into stand-by mode
16 - Automatic port forwarding
17 - Change homepage


Password : blackhatwoorld

A very important warning, these products are for educational purposes only, and we do not tolerate any other activities that violate the laws.

Recommended: VPS, Sandboxie or Virtual Machine.

Um aviso muito importante, esses produtos são apenas para fins educacionais e não toleramos nenhuma outra atividade que viole as leis.

Recomendado: VPS, Sandboxie ou Máquina Virtual.

تحذير مهم جدًا، هذه المنتجات مخصصة لأغراض تعليمية فقط، ولا نتسامح مع أي أنشطة أخرى تنتهك القوانين.

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