SpyNote 5.0 RAT [Android RAT MOBILE]
SpyNote is a free Android RAT (Remote Administration Tool/Remote Access Trojan) program developed based on Java. Its Server is written in Java, and the Client controller is written in Visual Basic .NET. After installation on an Android device, SpyNote will automatically remove its icon from the victim's device screen.
A very important warning, these products are for educational purposes only, and we do not tolerate any other activities that violate the laws.
Recommended: VPS, Sandboxie or Virtual Machine.
Um aviso muito importante, esses produtos são apenas para fins educacionais e não toleramos nenhuma outra atividade que viole as leis.
Recomendado: VPS, Sandboxie ou Máquina Virtual.
تحذير مهم جدًا، هذه المنتجات مخصصة لأغراض تعليمية فقط، ولا نتسامح مع أي أنشطة أخرى تنتهك القوانين.