AutoLOG Keylogger | UAC Exploit | Password Recovery

 AutoLOG Keylogger | UAC Exploit | Password Recovery

AutoLOG, one of the best keyloggers ever seen. We guarantee that it will work effectively and have more features than any other keylogger posted here. The new features implemented in AutoLOG include a multi-platform password thief, a screen capture logger, a snapshot logger, automatic stub update mechanisms, as well as a functional USB spreader.


Password : blackhatwoorld

A very important warning, these products are for educational purposes only, and we do not tolerate any other activities that violate the laws.

Recommended: VPS, Sandboxie or Virtual Machine.

Um aviso muito importante, esses produtos são apenas para fins educacionais e não toleramos nenhuma outra atividade que viole as leis.

Recomendado: VPS, Sandboxie ou Máquina Virtual.

تحذير مهم جدًا، هذه المنتجات مخصصة لأغراض تعليمية فقط، ولا نتسامح مع أي أنشطة أخرى تنتهك القوانين.

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