Dorky Dorker Advance Tool

Dorky Dorker Advance Tools on python

This good open source python script that has been popular for longer and you are still working with it for combining with sqli dumper very well, so you can try it now with these clean tools and you must run Python 2.7. This dorky dorker has many features, including reverse word generation, dork searching, and much more.


1: Generate dorks.
2: Generate numbers.
3: Reverse keywords
4: Extractor.
5: Randomize.
6: Split.
7: Keyword suggestion scraper.
8: Dork checker.
9: Antipublic.


Password : blackhatwoorld

A very important warning, these products are for educational purposes only, and we do not tolerate any other activities that violate the laws.

Recommended: VPS, Sandboxie or Virtual Machine.

Um aviso muito importante, esses produtos são apenas para fins educacionais e não toleramos nenhuma outra atividade que viole as leis.

Recomendado: VPS, Sandboxie ou Máquina Virtual.

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